Raleigh Corporate Event at the Angus Barn Pavilion

Raleigh Corporate Event Awards Ceremony at the Angus Barn with Classical, Modern Art, and Heavy Production Vibes Raleigh Corporate Event Awards Ceremony DJ at the Angus Barn – Art Gallery & Museum Theme Raleigh Corporate Event Awards Ceremony DJ at the Angus Barn – Art Gallery & Museum Theme with Live Dancers, Modern Performances, and Awards for the Superstars! Corporate Events, whether it’s in Raleigh, Wilmington, Durham, Charlotte, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Highlands, or Manteo are often going to fall into one of two categories: Either they’re trying to keep the budget very small because they’re just getting started and they’re still testing the waters or they want to show off just how much they value their team and they’re looking for ways to make the experience memorable and top the previous year.
Each and every corporate meeting planner has the same goal as almost every bride or groom planning their wedding day – MAKE ME LOOK GREAT AND MAKE SURE EVERYONE SAYS THIS WAS THE BEST ONE THEY’VE BEEN TO!
That’s where we come in. While the set-up for the event involved nearly 56 man hours (between 10-4) and the teardown took another 24 man hours over a 2 hour period, you’ll agree that it was well-worth the effort.
When we first started working with this company back in 2013, it was a much simpler affair. Every year since then, they’ve come to us with more ideas, asked us for suggestions on how we could help them take it to the next level, and developed amazing plans that have radically transformed what was once a simple ‘thank you’ dinner with a few recognitions into a can’t miss annual event that showcases the best of the team and the company they’re loyal to.
It’s a relationship that’s built on trust, namely that their planners can come to Stylus and they trust that we’ll over-deliver for them on every front.

That leads us to this event – where we were able to pull everything together for them in a matter of weeks after several months of not being sure if the pandemic restriction were going to impact their 2022 plans the same way they’d impacted their 2020 and 2021 plans.
Their event lead, Diane, has long been with the company although this was her first year running this program so she was understandably nervous and made it very clear what she needed from us:
“You know more about this than I do, but I know what I want, so let’s make it great!”
She had a lot of great ideas and we were able to provide a lot of great solutions. There are a lot of challenges with an event like this and we were able to accommodate every request and help dial in the exact vibe and tone she was going for to make sure that her higher-ups remembered this event as an example of her professionalism, leadership, creativity, and follow-through. We had to knock this one out of the park because, if you’ve ever met Diane, you’d know she’s an unstoppable force of awesome!
The key elements we needed to take into account were defined by the size and dimensions of the Angus Barn Pavilion, a gorgeous facility built on the site of the world-famous steakhouse from reclaimed Atlanta antebellum rafters that somehow survived Sherman’s March to the Sea. The challenges presented by the venue dictated that we’d need to use LED Panel Screens to achieve the stage effect rather than projectors (there wasn’t enough room behind the stage for the projectors). Even though it was slighly more expensive than doing projectors and screens, the effect was certainly better and it was the only way to achieve their goals given our space limitations.
Diane was also going for a Museum and Gallery Vibe. We were able to accomplish this in a few different ways. We incorporated a lot of classical elements which, when lighted correctly, gave them exactly the kind of stylish classical vibe they were excited about. We included corinthian columns, large urns with modern boho elements, clear plexiglass podium/lectern, and a few pieces of statuary to complete the look. Since there were several people named David on the stage, we made sure that the bust of Michaelangelo’s David was an accesory, not competition.

Outside for cocktail hour we created a modern art gallery of five distinct exhibits by combining decor elements to create unique art fixtures. We also featured living art exchibits from Elevate, including their live body painter and a pair of signature ballet dancers out front as guests arrived for the red carpet. We also had a Selfie Frame for guests to make themselves part of the exhibit!

Since the body painting experience was going to be in the gallery, we wanted to make sure we had the proper backdrop since we knew so many people were going to be taking pictures, so we incorporated some Corinthian columns in a bronze color to compliment the boxwood hedge wall backdrop.
The main event started with a quick welcome and few words from the CEO and CSO before guests enjoyed the delicious dinner provided by the Angus Barn’s truly world-class staff.
After dinner, the awards program began.

For most guests, they don’t realize that an awards program like this involves hundreds of pages of notes and pre-planning that we have to take into account. Each and every award needs to be accounted for both on the music side and the production side. The stage has to be lit correctly, the video displays need to be completely synced, and the exact flow is rehearsed well in advance. This takes a massive amount of time on both Diane’s end and ours as well to make sure that, for the guests, everything seems smooth and flawless.

With a corporate awards ceremony of this magnitude, featuring nearly 200 awards across scores of categories, we need to be efficient, effective, on point, and on message each and every time.
The combination of lighting, video, music, and MC abilities propelled this event to success with team members telling Diane this was the best awards ceremony they’d ever been to!

We are honored to be such a trusted resource for our Corporate Event partners and love working with the amazing staff at the Angus Barn.